Thursday, February 2, 2012

What is this thing?

I would not consider myself a tech savvy individual. Id actually say I'm more of what ever the opposite of that is. Technologically challenged maybe. Id just never really gotten into the whole thing. Facebook is about as far as my interest goes. I always hear my friends say things about what they wrote on twitter or what they saw on tumbler. I can see the pleasure these things give them and can't deny, some of that shit is funny! The only time I ever think about getting a twitter or blogging is when my friends talk about it. Its not that I refuse to be a part of this other world or anything. I think its a cool thing and can understand why so many people are hooked. Sometimes I almost feel socially responsible to be involved. I feel bad at times when I can't relate or even understand what my friends are saying. Then I remember that I have no interest in what they are saying and don't feel as bad.
I have to admit, it wasn't as  as I thought. Here it is, my first blog ever. As of now, my feelings on blogging remain the same.

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